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Metuchen Soccer Club

Metuchen Soccer Club

Our Fall Recreational program embodies everything fun and exciting about soccer. Please find below some key details for the Maradonas:

Players 6yr + / 1st and 2nd graders 
Start / End of SeasonSeptember 7th - November 16th
Megatastical: Season ending day long soccer festival: Saturday, November 16th
Playing ConditionsPlease dress appropriately for the weather.  Soccer is played in the rain and the cold! Any changes due to extreme weather will be announced through club communications 
Games: Day / Location / Timing
  • Saturdays / Saint Joseph High School
  • 9:00am - 10:00am or 10:15am - 11:15am
  • Please check your respective team schedule for the appropriate time for the week
Games Info
  • Will be led by parent coaches
  • Warmup time for the kids to get comfortable before starting a game
  • Junior Refs will be there to start the games whenever both teams are ready to do so
  • Parent Volunteers should be there early (8:30ish) to set up the fields and to greet your teams
  • Parent Voluteers should also tear the fields down when done
  • Setup includes putting out goals and cones for the small sided fields
  • They should all be returned to the storage shed when done
  • Field size will be 25yards x 35yards, with a 5 yard D.
  • A goal will not count, if shot from inside the 5 yard D.
  • No Goal Keeper
Game ProgramTraining Guide:1st grade and 2nd grade Metuchen Recreation Program - Fall.pdf
Game Play Guide: Maradona Game Play Rules 
Trainings: Day / Location / Timing
  • Maradona Girls: Monday / Myrtle Field / 6:00pm - 7:15pm
  • Maradona Boys: Wednesday / Myrtle Field / 6:00pm - 7:15pm
  • Training will start Monday, September 9th onwards
Training led byProfessional trainers and assisted by Parent coaches  
Playing KitAll players will be given a shirt on the first day of the season 
Soccer BallPlayers will need to bring a size 3 or 4 soccer ball. Game will be played with a size 4 ball 
Shin GuardsRequired 
CleatsNot Required 
Cost$199 ($50 Early Bird Discount until June 30th!) for Metuchen and select external residents. Additional costs for others 
Additional InfoPlease reach out to [email protected] for any additional info


Metuchen Soccer Club
PO Box 445 
Metuchen, New Jersey 08840

Email: [email protected]

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